
Sermons, articles, and occasional thoughts from Pastor Tom Johnson

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Thursday, December 29, 2022

“Glory to God on high and peace on earth” (Luke 2:8-14)

Luke 2:8-14

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"Announcement to the shepherds" (circa 1600) Abraham Bloemaert

Pastor Tom Johnson, December 24, 2022

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!” This is the profound song of celebration the angels sing: “glory to God in the highest…peace on earth.” The angels are God’s messengers; that is what “angel” means. Their message is a beautiful twofold summary of the Christmas story: God’s glory and humanity’s peace. What makes this song so special is that it comes from a heavenly perspective. From our human perspective, there may not be anything too remarkable about the birth of this child. It may be unusual to give birth in a stable and place a newborn infant in a feeding trough. Mary has her firstborn child. Joseph is now a loving and proud stepfather. The angels’ song gives us a fresh, otherworldly perspective. They sing about unspeakable and indescribable realities. They are in full celebration when they appear to the shepherds. It is as if they finally have the opportunity to share what has been welling up in their angelic hearts for what may be aeons. 

“Glory to God in the highest!” Their song originates from the highest heaven. They want the shepherds to know that this “good news of great joy for all the people” comes from God. The One who is Born is Savior, Messiah, and Lord. From our perspective, the great miracle is Immanuel—God with us—the incarnation of the eternal Son of God. From the angels’ perspective, the great miracle is God who stands outside of time and space has now become human. Glory to God in the highest! To God alone be the glory, honor, and praise! In heaven, the angels have to shield their eyes because the eternal Son of God’s brightness is so bright. Now on earth, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds look upon the face of God now veiled in human flesh.  The angels want the shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and all people not to miss this monumental event. Mary will spend a lifetime treasuring these truths and pondering them in her heart. It is Christ’s glory to humble himself and take on our humanity. Jesus himself says that it he is glorified when he is lifted up on the Cross to deliver us from the power of death, evil, and our sin. It is his and our glory to rise victoriously from the dead. 

In the highest heaven there is wholeness, perfection, goodness, and eternal life. The angels invite us into this same thoughtful reflection and exuberant celebration through their song: “Glory to God in the highest…and peace on earth.” This Christmas song is for people longing for good news, hope, and a future. It’s good to be reminded by the angels that Christmas is not first about getting together with family and exchanging gifts. It is about peace—peace for the world and healing for the nations. This is a peace that is wide and deep. It is not about a series of Hallmark moments and mere holiday cheer. It is about a world starving for authentic peace.“For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son”—the Prince of Peace gift-wrapped in swaddling cloths. “Peace on earth”—reconciliation between adversaries—those in authority and those with whom they serve—deliverance from cycles of violence. Peace within communities and peace to and from those who enforce the law—we need peace.

This Christ brings heavenly peace on earth—peace for a troubled world. He gives peace between God and humanity. He offers peace to warring nations and peace for dysfunctional families. He extends peace for our troubled and anxious hearts. He even wants to bring his peace to an exploited and abused creation. The Peace born into this world is a universal Peace—Peace for every individual no matter where they are on their pilgrimage—a peace for all peoples no matter their tribe, their social status, their language, or their place of origin. 

The angels sing, “Peace on earth”—the healing of broken relationships—peace when we admit our flaws and failures—peace when we give and receive forgiveness—peace that makes our friends family and makes our family friends. “Peace on earth”—peace to our restless hearts—peace to our anxious souls. Peace that surpasses human comprehension—the peace of letting go of the resentment—the peace letting go of the guilt—the peace of a clear conscience knowing that we are forgiven in Christ no matter what we have done. “Peace on earth”—the peace of Christ’s presence—now into all eternity. “Lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age.” “Peace I leave with you,” says the Christ Child, “my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27). It is God’s glory—it is his joy and delight to bring Christ’s peace to the world and to each individual. It brings him great glory—and it brings Christ to earth—when this peace rules in our hearts, our homes, and in our world.

Glory be to God for his indescribable gift! Christ’s peace to you. Christ’s peace through you to all the earth.

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