
Sermons, articles, and occasional thoughts from Pastor Tom Johnson

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Monday, May 21, 2012

"Ascension to the Strong Hand of the Father"

Pastor Tom Johnson, May 20, 2012
Lately, we can see the strong hand of government in Chicago. Another pastor and I saw six federal agents walk into the same restaurant for lunch that we were walking out of—fully armed and ready to tighten their grip if necessary. The secret service can be seen on the tops of buildings. Yesterday, on the Stevenson my son and I saw law enforcement officers lining the highway at each entrance ramp—preparing the way for dignitaries coming from O’Hare Airport. Three suspected terrorists have been arrested. You can watch video of clashes between protesters and police officers on TV and the internet. The strong hand of civil authority is always there. But times like this in Chicago, it can be clearly seen.
In the Creed that we will speak shortly, we confess that Jesus “was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.” The words in our Gospel reading come right before Jesus’ ascension to the right hand of God. “The right hand of God” is the strong hand of God; not that God is right-handed but that Jesus takes his place with his heavenly Father. And he does so with all the authority, power, and glory that that implies. But this is not a new position for Jesus. He is returning to the strong hand of the Father. And that is why Jesus gives the same Bible lesson as he did on the road to Emmaus.
He begins with Genesis, Exodus, and all the historical books of the Old Testament. He continues with all the prophetic books such as Isaiah and Daniel. And then he concludes with Psalms and Proverbs to show that those stories are about him. And to ensure that his disciples understood that the whole of Scripture is about Jesus, “he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” He open their minds and our minds so that we have a correct understanding of the flow of human history—so that we clearly see the strong hand of God at work.

From the very beginning of human history, the strong hand of God is there. The strong hand of Jesus is molding creation into existence. His strong hand reaches out to Adam and Eve in the Garden after they sin. He forgives them and promises that his strong hand will one day crush the serpent’s head. The strong hand of Jesus is there in the blood of the lamb painted on the doorposts in Egypt that make death pass over. His strong hand sustains them with the Bread of Heaven in the wilderness for 40 years. His strong hand strikes the rock that becomes a spring of living water.
Jesus gives us a satellite view of human history. He wants us to see that the strong hand of God has been working through him since the beginning—through the fall into sin, the flood, through doubts, rebellion, slavery, desert wanderings, nation building, war, famine, prosperity, and adversity. Jesus wants us to see that just as the strong hand of God was at work in human history in the past, so he will be with us in the present and the future. Human history may look like chaos and mayhem. The arrest, trial, and death of Jesus may seem like a tragic turn of events. But the strong hand of God is there. It is all part of God’s plan. And through it all, the strength of his hand is revealed.
After the ascension, it will seem like the church is finally going to explode in growth and have earthly peace. But, instead, the disciples will be arrested. Steven will be martyred. The church will be scattered. Beginning in Jerusalem, they will flee into Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the earth. It looks like more chaos and mayhem. But the strong hand of God will be revealed. Jesus says, “Repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.” It’s not just a forecast. It is a promise. His strong hand will reach out to the whole world and will sustain his people.
And so, Jesus must ascend. It cannot appear that he is just in one place at a time—as if the strong hand of God is only present where Jesus goes. When Jesus ascends to the strong hand of the Father, he is present and active everywhere. Just as the strong hand of God and Holy Spirit are everywhere, so is Jesus. Jesus raises his strong hand in blessing as he ascends out of physical sight. We don’t know what he said in his blessing. But we do know where to find the strong hand of God that bless.
His strong hand still opens our minds to the Scriptures. The strong hand of God baptizes us and gives us the forgiveness of sins. The strong hand of God gives us bread and passes the cup of his Body and Blood. The strong hand of Jesus reaches out in love and compassion as we reach out to one another and the world. And just as everything in the Old Testament ultimately points to Jesus and his abiding presence of the strong hand of God throughout human history, so the Scriptures continue to point to Jesus and assure us that the strong hand of God is with us now. Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of our faith. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the beginning and the end. The strong hand of God is with us. He has been with us from the beginning. He will be with us through the end.

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